A small selection of projects
Statistics for Mission
Pilot for the Methodist Church in England and Wales
Church statistics are traditinonally collected every October, counting the number of people attending church on a Sunday and taking a snap-shot record of membership. But the figures obtained miss the majority of the chuches activity and do not give a picture of the vast numbers of people served by churches across the country.
This pilot project, running alongside the usual data collection, aimed to collect data on all the activities of the churches, for the first time, to enable churches to get a full profile of their church and the people they are reaching.
After an initial local trial, in the Manchester and Stockport district, the following year the project was expanded and data was collected from 1,237 churches in the 122 Circuits of the 8 participating Districts. A secure server was used for each church to input their data into a user-friendly form that guided the users through the process with self-checking and intuitive prompts that made input simple, even for those unfamiliar with completing web forms. A subset of the data collected was injected in to the data collected by the Methodist Church Methodist Church in England and Wales so there was no need to input data into two websites.
Online statistical reports were produced from the data collected.
- Website design and build
- Front-end webform design
- Back-end development for access control, data collection, validation and statistical reporting
- Hosted on a secure webserver
- Support provided for users
International Society for Industrial Process Tomography
Work with ISIPT began at the time of its inception having worked with founding members providing conference support for the World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography. ISIPT now run this conference series and their website provides access to the back catalogue of proceedings as well as informing members of forthcoming events and related publications.
- Website design and build
- Mobile friendly
- Logo design
- Hosted, managed and maintained
- Membership managment system
- Controlled access to research papers
- Webforms to enable interaction between members
- Conference support Services
Research Consortium
FLITES is a consortium project, sponsored by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), aiming to use thier world-leading advances in laser technology to measure and image molecular and particulate species in gas turbine aero-engine exhausts to advance Research and Development in aviation and other related industries. The consortium members are the Universities of Manchester, Edinburgh, Southampton and Strathclyde, blue-chip companies Rolls-Royce and Shell, SMEs Covesion, Fianium and OptoSci.
The Flites website is designed to be a plartform for dissemination of the project outcomes and to facilitate communictions between members.
Administation services are also provided, including organising meetings, taking minutes and overseeing the project plan.
- Website design and build
- Logo design
- Secure hosting
- Managed and maintained
- Access control
- Webforms and blog for membership communication
- Hosted file sharing
- Administration Services
Primary School
Dinting Church of England Primary
The school were previously using a website builder, but it was not that easy to maintain and they did not have full control of their website. As a Foundation Governor of this school I was happy to build and host this website, which was designed by another Governor to match their school prospectus. The website needed to be built on a simple to use content management system so the school administrator and teachers can update the website.
Parent questionnaires have previously been produced as hardcopy and analysis of the responses done manually. The school wanted to add the option for parents to complete these online and for the website to create statistics. Survey creation software was added to the site so parent feedback can be gathered and analysed quickly and easily, allowing smaller surveys to be produced as required.
- Website build
- Hosted
- Simple flexible content management
- Parent questionnaire creator with statistical analysis
Philip Ronson, t/a Aggelia, philip@aggelia.co.uk